I Got It! Disqus Comments are Back
December 29, 2009
Michael Zampino in Comments, Disqus, PROJECTS, Squarespace, TOOLS, UPDATES

Well, after my initial excitement back in August about availablility of adding Disqus Comments to my Squarespace site (New Commenting Method), I jumped right on it, and added it. This lasted pretty quick, due to their code being a bit buggy when interacting with Squarespace. While a couple of us fought the code, we were able to get it to function correctly, minus a couple features. It did seem like it was working, until I got a couple messages that there were issues.

Well, I think with a couple people contacting Disqus about it, and more playing with the code, I was able to get it back installed on the site and it working correctly (as far as I know). I'm not sure how long they will last installed here, but I have yet to find an issue.

If you see anything odd or buggy, please let me know. Also, I can give you the needed code to install this on your Squarespace site. Just let me know...


Article originally appeared on Home of Michael Zampino (http://mzampino.squarespace.com/).
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