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I Must Be Lazy

A couple weeks ago, I had some free time, so I took a trip into New York City to attend the 140 Character Conference (or for you Twitter folk #140Conf) Networking Event. There I met Claire Chang, and she told me all about the company she works for called Lazyfeed.

As Techcunch put it:

Lazyfeed is an interest feed for blog items. It indexes about 100,000 of the most popular blogs and organizes posts by topic. The hottest topics, as determined by related tags, pop up to the top. On the home page it shows you the hottest topics of the moment, which offers an easy entry point into the service.

You can also do searches for particular tags, and the most recent posts with those tags start streaming into the reader. You can save tags as favorites in the side bar. and return to them. The service might include Twitter hashtags in the future, but right now it is focused on showing the most recent blog posts about a particular topic.

That night after returning home from the Networking Event, I signed right up for the Beta. The morning of their launch at the Real Time Stream CrunchUp I got an email with the invite code, and I was up and running at no time.

Here is the Lazyfeed at Crunchup Video:

Right now they are still in Invite only Beta, but as soon as they open up, I'll let you know.

Here's to being Lazy!!!

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Reader Comments (6)

Let me know if you get any invitation codes to hand out.

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlan

@Alan If you are on Twitter, follow LazyFeed ( http://twitter.com/lazyfeed )... They make announcements from time to time on Invite Codes...

Good Luck!!!

July 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterMichael Zampino

Sorry I guess I should have added my twitter handle @alanashley or used my full name. The site is looking good.

July 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlan

Hey Alan...

Yea, I didn't know it was you... No prob... Thanks...

I'm still working on it daily. I made a ton of little changes yesterday including adding Excerpts of each post, adding an Image to each post, and straightened out some Div CSS.

More to come...

Thanks again!!!

July 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterMichael Zampino

I'm hoping in the next month or so, I can dive into some CSS studies. Between work and playing a reunion, I haven't had the time to really put some effort into learning more about CSS and how it plays in the squarespace arena.

One thing I have been debating is creating members. 5 or 10 for those that come by and post comments, etc. on a regular basis.

July 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Ashley

I have 2 Invites for LazyFeed to give out. Contact me if interested.



August 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterMichael Zampino

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