I am Michael Zampino. Here you will find all my links, blog posts, rants, photos, thoughts, reviews, etc…

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Entries in Disqus (3)


I Got It! Disqus Comments are Back

Well, after my initial excitement back in August about availablility of adding Disqus Comments to my Squarespace site (New Commenting Method), I jumped right on it, and added it. This lasted pretty quick, due to their code being a bit buggy when interacting with Squarespace. While a couple of us fought the code, we were able to get it to function correctly, minus a couple features. It did seem like it was working, until I got a couple messages that there were issues.

Well, I think with a couple people contacting Disqus about it, and more playing with the code, I was able to get it back installed on the site and it working correctly (as far as I know).

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Pure Squarespace

Well the re-design is now live. There are still a couple things I need to tweak, but they are so minimal that I did not want to hold up the re-launch while I worked on them. I hope you like it, please let me know what you think.

If you were familiar with my last version, you will note a total 100% change.

I really liked the old version, due to all the bells and whistles I added to it (i.e. Javascript Slideshows, outside Widgets, neat CSS tricks, and every other cool thing that I tested out and added because it worked).

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New Commenting Method

While going through Squarespace’s Developer Community, I noticed a post asking if Squarespace works with Disqus. As soon as I found out that it does, I tracked down the instructions and implemented it on my site. It took me a total of 5 minutes to configure it, and add it to my site.

All works well, but it does overwrite the original amount of comments each post has, as well as hiding them too. I dug through their code and found a way to make the old comments show. So if you have commented on my site recently, each post might show “0 Comments” (I am still looking into fixing this), but they are once again visible when you go to each post individually.

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