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Entries in iGolf (2)


SGN's iFun Gaming Platform for the iPhone

Why oh why did I go out and buy a Wii??? All I needed was a little iFun...

Just release the other day from Social Gaming Network (SGN), iFun turns your iPhone into a Wii-like game controller, so you can play the actual online games on your PC or Mac.

They only have one game available now with the iFun release; Golf, which is similar to their iPhone iGolf game.

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iGolf Game App for iPhone - Review

My friends over at Social Gaming Network have created the best game I have played on my iPhone to date called iGolf. The current version is just a driving range simulator that is similar to playing a game on a Nintendo Wii, you swing the iPhone like you were swinging a golf club. Using the iPhone accelerometer it measures your swing and hits the ball for you down range measuring your shot distance at the same time.

Play by yourself, or challenge your friends to a distance contest. Either way it is great fun, and a great game.

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