I am Michael Zampino. Here you will find all my links, blog posts, rants, photos, thoughts, reviews, etc…

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Entries in Music (2)


My Favorite Group Live - Lamb - Live at Lowlands

Lamb - Live at Lowlands [2003]
01. Heaven
02. Till The Clouds Clear
03. Gabriel
04. Sun
05. B Line
06. Fly


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Do You Blip???

Over the past couple months I've been noticing a ton of Tweets that have Blip.fm in them. From being on Twitter for a couple of years now, I chalked it up as just another one of the four billion URL shorteners out there.

The other day I was sent a DM on Twitter from a friend asking if I would like to check out their Blips. I clicked the link thinking that I was going to get to their Blog, or some kind of newsfeed, but instead and to my surprise, I was taken to their Blip.fm playlist.

I immediately started listening, not just to do so, but because they had some great songs in their list. I also read Blip.fm's site info, and signed right up.

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