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The Light Bulb Conspiracy

First off, I have to thank a Twitter friend of mine digitalfemme for the name to this blog post.

I have been having this issue for a couple of days now. I had a light bulb die in my living room, and I changed it right away. Then ten minutes later, I had a light bulb die in my bathroom, and I changed it right away. The next day, I had another light bulb die in my living room. ETC...

All this lead to me posting this question on Twitter:

"Do light bulbs talk to each other?"

I have a feeling they do... And they are taunting me...

I will show them. I just bought some Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. Hopefully they will last like they say they do.

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Reader Comments (2)

Had one of my CFL's blow out the other day. Less than 2 years of service too.

Now it is time to figure out how these hazardous products are properly recycled. Good thing hazardous waste day is this coming Saturday.

October 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Damore

LED bulbs last 75,000 hours, contain no mercury, and use 70% less electricity.
Most manufactures are no-name taiwanese factories lacking UL approvals.
Not sure if there are any really good websites selling safe UL approved replacement LED bulbs for halogen, CFL, and incandescent bulb replacement.
Would be cool if there was a good retail site, before Home Depot destroys the profit margins.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

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