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iPhone App of the Week - Bloomberg

With the economic roller coaster (via WSJ) that is upon us, I need to have the up and up on what is going on in the Wall Street world while running around and not being in front of a computer. I was using the Stock App that came with my iPhone to track my stocks and various indecies, but just getting quick quotes wasn't cutting it.

On a tip from Kevin Rose's post, and in watching the YouTube video that he embedded in it, I went and downloaded the Bloomberg App.

From current news and stock quotes, to commodities and foreign exchanges, the Bloomberg App has and covers it all for you. You get all that tied into a neat interface that is easy to use an read. As an additional great feature, if you choose a stock or index and turn the screen to landscape, the accelerometer responds and gives you full chart information for what your are looking at.

It has one minor flaw, only if you are not impatient, but it loads the information a lot faster when using WiFi. Using Edge, as I am, it is a little slow, but once loaded you won't complain.

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Reader Comments (1)

Vengo a establecer la luicha continua.... android o ios?????

February 7, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterpurosistemas

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