I am Michael Zampino. Here you will find all my links, blog posts, rants, photos, thoughts, reviews, etc…

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Entries by Michael Zampino (77)


Laid Off and Looking

As you may or may not know, I was recently laid off. So now starts the big job hunt. I have spent last week putting together and editing my resume to bring it up to speed.

Below are some of the tools I'm using in my job search. If you are interested in seeing my work history, use them and would like to connect, or you are looking to hirer someone, please feel free to check them out:

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Movie Quotes

I am one of those people, that can in any given conversation, drop a quote from a movie. I know this can be annoying to people at times, but my friends and I can probably have a conversation for hours by just quoting lines from movies.

So, while sifting through entries on Digg, I found this video of the 100 Best Movie Lines in 200 Seconds. I'm hoping that while you watch it, you can pick up some goodies to drop on your friends, or pick up a nice conversation with me.

100 Best Movie Lines in 200 Seconds:

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Do You Blip???

Over the past couple months I've been noticing a ton of Tweets that have Blip.fm in them. From being on Twitter for a couple of years now, I chalked it up as just another one of the four billion URL shorteners out there.

The other day I was sent a DM on Twitter from a friend asking if I would like to check out their Blips. I clicked the link thinking that I was going to get to their Blog, or some kind of newsfeed, but instead and to my surprise, I was taken to their Blip.fm playlist.

I immediately started listening, not just to do so, but because they had some great songs in their list. I also read Blip.fm's site info, and signed right up.

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Busy, Busy, Busy - Now Go Play Ball

Wow, the months of March and April flew by way too fast. With all that I had going on between umpiring school, work, and now actually umpiring games these last to months, it seems like only yesterday it was March first.

As an update:

I passed both my baseball and softball umpiring exams. Baseball with a 99%, and softball with a 92%. I can tell you that the softball test was much harder due to the many differences in the rules between the two sports, and trying to keep them separate in my head. Since I was scheduled to take the baseball exam first, I didn't look at softball for the week and a half prior to the exam.

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Just Call Me Blue

For the last month and a half, I've been busy in taking classes to become a carded umpire for both baseball and softball. Next week is my exam for baseball and the following week, is my exam for softball. So far this season is starting off bad due to rain, and cancelled games. I've already had two games rained out on me. I'm hoping I can finally get on the field to umpire.

I'll keep you posted on how I do on my exams, and how my games turn out. Also, If I can get a picture of me in full gear, I'll post that for all to laugh at.

Let me know if you are interested in umpiring, and I'll send you some links to get you started.


iPhone App Fun - USA Today

Updated on April 9, 2009 by Registered CommenterMichael Zampino

USA Today - Tallent Communications

It may not be the best News App for the iPhone, since it doesn't feed news from all over into it, and it doesn't have multiple topic categories like the others.

But be that as it may, in being very basic, and setup into news sections exactly like its newspaper counterpart, it is still a great app worth having.

Additionally for me, since USA Today is my favorite newspaper, due to it actually having news worth reading in it...

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