I am Michael Zampino. Here you will find all my links, blog posts, rants, photos, thoughts, reviews, etc…

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Entries by Michael Zampino (77)


iBaseball Game App for iPhone - Review

It’s that time again for me to talk about my favorite gaming company of all time: Social Gaming Network (SGN). They have done it again in releasing another amazing game for the iPhone.

First came iGolf, then iBowl, and with having over 2 million downloads and both reaching #1 spots in the top 25 on the App Store, it is just natural that they continue the streak of their excellent Wii type games.

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Twitter Tools – Great Article

If you are a Twitter addict like me, you’ll love this great blog post by Charly Leetham, titled – “Twitter: What Are Your Favorite Tools? “

Twitter: What Are Your Favorite Tools?

Charly not only lists her favorite Twitter tools, but she took a poll of the Twitter community, and compiled a great list of tools that other people use and like, including me.

My Recommendation:
@mzamp01 told me he liked TwitterFon because “It is a very basic Twitter App for the iPhone. Great for reading and replying, as well as tweeting”

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Pumpkin Carving 101

Yesterday my Daughter and I went out to pick out pumpkins, so we can carve them up for Halloween. Last year, we received as a gift a pumpkin carving set that included tools and stencils, but never had a chance to use them. After a full year of begging to use the kit, we finally broke it out, and let her go to town.

After drawing on the designs, my Daughter carved them out all by herself. We then cleaned up the mess, and roasted the pumpkin seeds to make us a great snack throughout the week.

When done, we saw the coolest pumpkins ever...

On the left is our "Bats Around the Moon" and on the right is our "Black Cat".

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The Light Bulb Conspiracy

First off, I have to thank a Twitter friend of mine digitalfemme for the name to this blog post.

I have been having this issue for a couple of days now. I had a light bulb die in my living room, and I changed it right away. Then ten minutes later, I had a light bulb die in my bathroom, and I changed it right away. The next day, I had another light bulb die in my living room. ETC...

All this lead to me posting this question on Twitter:

"Do light bulbs talk to each other?"

I have a feeling they do... And they are taunting me...

I will show them. I just bought some Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. Hopefully they will last like they say they do.


iPhone App of the Week - Bloomberg

With the economic roller coaster (via WSJ) that is upon us, I need to have the up and up on what is going on in the Wall Street world while running around and not being in front of a computer. I was using the Stock App that came with my iPhone to track my stocks and various indecies, but just getting quick quotes wasn't cutting it.

On a tip from Kevin Rose's post, and in watching the YouTube video that he embedded in it, I went and downloaded the Bloomberg App.

From current news and stock quotes, to commodities and foreign exchanges, the Bloomberg App has and covers it all for you.

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iBowl Game App for iPhone - Review

Yesterday I got a note on Facebook from my friend Shervin Pishevar, CEO of SGN (Social Gaming Network) about a new game he released for the iPhone called iBowl.

After my experience with their first game for the iPhone - iGolf, I immediately grabbed my iPhone and went right to the App Store and downloaded it.

Without reading the instructions I went right to the game and started bowling. Swinging my arm as if I was bowling all over my living room. My 7 year old Daughter saw what I was doing and wanted to play too.

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